Wednesday, February 5, 2014


This week's theme: Leggings under ripped jeans?

I have been delving into the wonderful world of destroying a good pair of pants with a razor blade. Well honestly, if I never wear the pair, and the pair is so old that I could not possible re-sell them... Why not? And who is going to stop me... NO ONE! I took two of my black pairs of pants and began to go to work... I cut the first pair into shorts with plenty of runs and tears. Then, I cut a buttload of rips into the other pair all up and down the legs.

Then came a thought...

Why can't I wear a pair of leggings or tights underneath a pair of ripped pants? Okay, sure. It's suuuper 80's, but I think with the right pair of jeans, plus the right combination of accessories, and tights, this could be a new favorite cold season look for me.
(none of these images belong to me.)
I did a little bit of research and found that most of the tights/leggings+ripped jeans combos were pretty horrifying... The only ones that I found (that I thought were ok) all had either leopard print underneath, or they had very lacy, delicate neutral colored panty hose. I like both, but ehh, leopard print isn't so much for me... I'll have to try it out one of these days. Can you do pastel goth with leopard print? 
I digress. 
Anyway, here is my look for the week! Back to photos for you guys!

These are my newly destroyed black denim! I cut them up with ma trusty razor, then washed, and dried them. Underneath are my so called mountaintop tights. Even though they are actually leggings. That awesome, new, purple sweater was a gift from Joshua!
This is a blogpost-double-feature.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I tested out some of my Christmas hair chalks for this look too? I did. Just in case you didn't notice the purple hair. I also have a few tips for when you are trying out hair chalks...
(I am sorry about the crappy pics. I didn't have batteries.)

Before we begin I'm just going to throw this out there... Using hair chalk is going to make your hair feel like the same consistency as a bail of hay if you aren't careful. Actually, your hair is going to end up having the same consistency as a bail of hay, whether you are careful or not. However, there are a few steps that you can take in order to at least make your hair look ok, even if it isn't, or doesn't feel ok. First off, here is a list of things that you cannot go without when playing with your hair chalks.
- Two/three towels. Trust me, 
you're going to need them to stand on, 
place on your bathroom counter top
and to wipe those fingies with.

- Conditioner

- Hair slick

- Hair Texturizer (optional)

- Gloves (optional, I found that since
I was using so much conditioner that
the chalk would come off easier... And it did.)

- A COMB, not a brush. Brushing wet hair is
very damaging, not to mention with the
addition of thick hair chalk.

-  Hair Band

- Spray Bottle

- Old Shirt

Now, I decided that I wanted to go for an ombre look, of course. I decided that the best method for getting an even amount of color in the most effective way was to start by pony tailing my hair directly on top of my head.
 After that I placed a towel under my feet, one on the counter, and one hanging next to me, that way, I could easily wipe off my hands.
Next, I got out my spray bottle and filled it about half way with water. Then, I added a healthy bit of conditioner to the mix, about two pumps of hair slick, and a few pumps of my hair texturizer. I say that the texturizer is optional only because my hair is pretty wavy naturally, and when it dries wavy it holds curl really well. Mix ingredients together by shaking well.
After mixing my spray bottle mixture together I began to dampen the ends of my hair in my ponytail. You can decide how far up you want to go on your hair, but I only went about five inches, or so.
Now comes the application. I carefully decided on two color tones, a dark blue, and a light purple. After picking out my colors, I grabbed my handy dandy water color tray, filled a few of the cups with water, and allowed my chalk to soak in them. After soaking, I split my ponytail into two pieces, the front, and the back piece. I used the dark blue on the piece for the back of my head, and I used the light purple on the piece for the front. After applying the hair chalk by gently stroking the hair downwards until it was evenly coated, I added some more conditioner, and picked through the hair gently with my comb. Apply a little more hair chalk. I scrunched the hair with my hands a little bit and allowed for it to dry.
After my hair had dried a little bit, I began to curl a few stands with my curling iron. Not my whole head, but I selected a few strands that were kind of limp. 
The photos that you see above are pictures of my hair right after these steps. The photos that you see in the fashion look are after I carefully combed my hair with some hair slick, and then followed by thoroughly curling all of my locks. Here are a few more pics of the color after I styled! You can tell that a lot of the color came out, but I kind of like how subtle the color is. You can only see it in sunlight. I think that the next time that I try this, I will use black, I think that will show up really well. However, next time I use light colors, I will stick to slight peek a boo strands.
Next time I do my ends ombre I will definitely not comb the color after allowing it to set. I will have to straighten my hair, apply dry shampoo to my ends (because I don't put hair chalk on freshly washed hair), keep my hair down, wet the ends, then apply hair chalk. After it dries I will use my curling iron. I will definitely do another blog post on it when the times comes! :D Here is a link to the first blog post that I did on hair chalk:

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